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We Love This Guide to Anti-Racism in Burlesque:
Shedding Layers with Shimmy LaRoux

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Which Classes Should You Take?
(All of our currently available classes
are listed on our Main Page.)

Our school is geared toward people who are new to burlesque, whether they have stage experience in another field or have no stage experience anywhere ever. Go for it! It's for you! Beginners dive in! Take any classes you like!
ALL of our classes are suitable for all levels (unless otherwise stated in the description of a particular class).
If you'd like a recommendation along the "Introduction/Beginner/Intermediate Advanced" lines, we don't have that. However, you can start with Flirting With Burlesque online or Improv and Choreography in-person, both of which are designed to teach group routines to beginners. Follow with Essential Burlesque which introduces beginners to solo techniques with chairs, fans, and tassels. Then you'll have all the skills you need to feel confident in Act Development, where you'll develop your own solo routine and be offered a chance to perform that routine in a showcase.
You can stop reading now and go sign up! but if you need mroe reassurance, read on!
Flirting with Burlesque online on Thursdays, Kitten Heels on Tuesdays, and Improv and Choreography in-person on Mondays are great classes if you're looking to get moving with routines that introduce basic burlesque dance concepts and group choreography.
These classes run on a weekly basis most months.
Essential Burlesque, which if offered 6-8 times a year, is a class series that teaches students how to understand burlesque solo dances with props, including striptease psychology, chair dancing, fan dancing, and choreography with boas, gloves, and tassel-twirling.
There is no group number as part of the Essential Burlesque series.
Act Development is a series in which you'll develop your own solo routine along with classmates who are also developing their own solos.
Act Development includes a student showcase performance, meaning students have the option of performing their number in a show before a live audience.
Students from Kitten Heels may perform a group number in a showcase.
See our index page to see if Act Development is currently open for registration.
There is no group number performance as part of the Act Development series.
Taking Essential Burlesque before Act Development is recommended but not required.

Follow us on instagram for news about classes, events, visiting instructors, and sample classes.

Hungry to learn immediately?

Have you seen our blog? It's packed with information that will help you learn burlesque and get ahead in burlesque as a business. It's linked in the column of links on the left side of this page.
This blog was one of the first burlesque how-to blogs and it's still one of the best!
Burlesque instructors all over the world have used it as a way to learn about teaching burlesque.
You can use the "search" function on that page to find information about pastie adhesive, shoes, fan dance tips -- FREE information beyond your wildest dreams, if you just take the time to do the search! You can even request that an article or tutorial be added to the blog!
Check out Burlesque Daily

IMPORTANT: If a class or event is listed on our site, it is carefully curated for you, and is RECOMMENDED by our expert team of burlesque instructors as helpful to burlesque skill and community development. You should take it even if you're not sure you're interested. All of it is valuable, and all of it is an opportunity to network with our instructors, who are all (yes, ALL) world-famous burlesque performers and producers who know what it takes to be in demand. The only classes you shouldn't take, if you're a beginner, are the ones that specifically state that they are for a level beyond beginner. Otherwise, if at all possible, take it. Some classes only come around once a year, and if it's a travelling instructor, there's no guarantee at all they'll be back in town!

The ONLY WAY to get information about which classes will be available next is to join our email list and check our Instagram. There is no other form of advance notice via email or personal contact. See the column to the left and click to join and follow! We can't wait to see you in class.

Everything you need to know to choose a class in 2022 is posted above. More class listings added continuously. Be the first to find out when new classes are added! Join our email list, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram at @nyschoolofburlesque!

You can email us at