Act Development
Create Your Own Original Solo Routine!!
All styles of burlesque are encouraged: traditionally glamourous, subversively funny, politically challenging, and/or wildly experimental. Your vision is treasured in this supportive space.
There will be some limitations based on the venue's concerns, so feel free to ask about them. For example, no full nudity can be performed, and no liquids can be used on the stage.
Register using the paypal button below.
Please note, this class can sell out very quickly, so register as soon as you are sure you can attend.
Class Location: 440 Lafayette St, Manhattan, NYC, 10003
Showcase Location: DROM, 85 Avenue A, Manhattan, NYC
Must be over 21 to enter DROM.
Class series is $295.
This series is already underway but you can still sign up before class on March 2 and watch the fundamentals videos to catch up.
This series takes students through all the steps of creating a solo burlesque routine and culminates in a student showcase!
February/March instructor: Jo Weldon, author of The Burlesque Handbook
Sundays 3-5 PM
During the week before the class you'll receive helpful recordings of previous classes on music choice, basic costuming, and choreography, as well as an article to help you choose a stage name. These will all be discussed int he first class, when you'll receive your act development worksheet.
February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23
Classes take place at 440 Lafayette St in Manhattan, Fourth Floor
Showcase March 30 8 pm at DROM, 85 Avenue A; call time 5.30 pm.
Register using the button below
Dress for classes with comfort and movement in mind.
Bring a bottle of water to the space (no meals in the studio, though a snack bar or other light snack is fine)
Be prepared for optional additional costs related to costuming (you set your own budget) and photography ($30-75 per person), video costs if available ($30-75 per person), or other costs related to your act.
Unlike many forms of dance showcases, there is no additional fee required to perform. In fact, we will teach you how to make money as part of the class, and you will make tips onstage and in addition we will contribute to the tipping pool.
You must make at least four of the classes to perform in the showcase.
It is strongly recommended to attend all.
There are no makeup classes but Jo will provide lots of great video resources and articles.
Purchase a copy of The Burlesque Handbook for reference.
Class meetings:
(These are basic guidelines, subject to change)
Class 1: Overview of Performance Fundamentals: Stage Names, Music, Costume, and Choreography.
Class 2: Start talking about your act ideas!
Class 3: More details, problem solving, and a performance exercise.
Class 4: Run number as a sketch of what it will be.
Class 5: Peer Review, Run Numbers with staging tips specific to the venue.
Bio information will be requested at this time.
Undress rehearsal: run your number with your classmates!
In order to participate in the showcase you must send music files and bio information in the time frame requested, and attend at least five of the class or pay for a private session with the instructor to make sure you are on schedule.
Showcase: Showtime at DROM! Meet at 5.30 at 85 Avenue A. doors to public at 7 show at 8
If you need to learn to fan dance, chairdance, or twirl tassels, you will not be learning that in this series, so to prepare you may want to take The Essential Burlesque Series or watch videos.
This series happens four-five times a year.
More School of Burlesque Classes
The calendar below is constantly being updated.